About Us

A Southern Lifestyle Family

A Southern Lifestyle Co.

Represents those who appreciate the simple things in life; Family, friends, food, the great outdoors, and taking care of each other... it's our way of living and the life we aim to preserve.

Daniel Merritt, Owner & Founder.

Father, Veteran, Outdoorsman, Philanthropist. Founder of ASLC. Retired, United States Army Major, Danny Merritt.

Kaila Donaldson, CEO.

CMO @asouthernlifestyleco

Huntress.🦌 & Expert Problem Solver.🤌✨

Enjoys mustard on her popcorn.

Sawyer, Director of Retail Operations.

She's Canadian.

Josh Hagan, Distribution Manager.

Makes sure you get your order fast as hell.

Believes toilet paper roll should have paper coming from underneath. Not on top...

If he could reincarnate, he would come back as a Dolly Parton.

Tristen Winters, Wholesale Manager.

Takes care of our people.

Puts ketchup on everything. Is thinking about starting a group called "KA" (Ketchups Anonymous)

If she won a million bucks, she'd buy a house in the Florida Keys where all of her family and friends will live in peace, never work again, and she'd spend all her time volunteering doing ocean conservation.

Order Gear at Wholesale Pricing!

Fred Harrison, Ecom & Marketing Specialist.

Fred does marketing stuff.

His laugh gives him the special ability to communicate with dolphins.

Only poops at home.

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